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Solution Approach

This section will describe how the problem outlined in the previous section will be addressed and how the final program will come to fruition.

Solution Outline

The idea behind the FAHView project was to extend the capability of the Folding@home client to make the data contained within the queue.dat file available to users of the Folding@home project. The logical way to tackle the problem is to break the functionality into iterations, adding new functionality each time. The first iteration will focus upon adding support for the current generation of Folding@home Clients. These are the clients that rely on the persistence of data within flat binary files, these files store their data as little-endian unsigned integers for numbers and ASCII null terminated strings for text. The second iteration will add functionality for displaying information about the protein that is currently being worked on within the Folding@home client, it will do this by presenting the user with a 3D model of what the protein looks like and displaying other information such as the chemical compound's name and number of molecules. Dependant on time and whether the new version 7 client has been released, the third iteration of the project shall look at expanding on the functionality of the first iteration to add support for these new revamped clients by the extraction of information through the new client's API.