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The PID provides detailed information about the project including time planning in the form of a Work Breakdown Structure and time estimates in the form of a Gantt chart.


F@H View - Investigating Distributed Systems and User Interface Design for the Folding@home Project


4th April 2012


  • PID complete
  • Literature review complete
  • Requirements collected
  • Increment 1
  • Increment 2
  • Increment 3
  • Report structured and revised
  • Hand In


For the Computing project I will produce a program written in Java that will display all the information contained within and used by the Folding@home client. I intend to write the program in such a way that it will run on Windows, Mac and Linux against all the clients that are available within the Folding@home project.

I will also produce a Report explaining a brief history of the project as a whole, what it is trying to achieve and how my program will fit into it. The report will explain the Software Engineering processes used to create my program and research of Distributed Computing and User Interface Design.

Project type

Research and Development


  • Black box testing
  • White box testing
  • Unit Testing (JUnit)
  • Throwaway prototyping
  • Evolutionary prototyping
  • UML (Unified Modelling Language)
  • WBS (Work breakdown structure)
  • Gantt Charts
  • Code Documentation (JavaDoc)



Astah Community
Folding@home Clients
Various Folding@home clients that will be used to run my project against.
Netbeans IDE
Integrated development environment used to write the java code for the project.
Synalyse It!
Hex editor used to decrypt the queue.dat file.
The application I am using to write the main report.
Microsoft Word
Final draft of the project will be formatted using MS Word.
Referencing tool to organise references, able to integrate with scrivener.
Project management tool to plan the different stages of the project.


Apple MacBook Pro
The main development machine used to write code and documentation for the project.
Dell XPS m1730
Test machine, to get test data for windows GPU and CPU clients. This machine will also be used to get test data for Linux CPU clients.

Related Research

Risk Analysis

Technical Risks

  • Hardware failure
  • Software Failure
  • Increment 1 beyond technical ability
  • Increment 2 beyond technical ability
  • Increment 3 beyond technical ability

Non-technical Risks

  • Illness
  • Other coursework
  • Procrastination
  • Work

Risk Avoidance

Loss of work

To avoid this risk frequent backups will be made.

Increments beyond technical abilities

A fair bit of research into each of the different technologies that will be used will be the best way to combat this risk.


This risk is harder to avoid, however the risk of this is small.

Work overload

The best way to avoid this risk is effective time and project management.