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Assignment Server
The server that allocates work to individual members.


Collection Server
The server that accepts finished work units from the client.
The core is the program that performs the calculations on each work unit. There are different cores that are required for different calculations dependant on the requirements of each individual work unit. The same core can be used on different clients and can be updated whenever necessary to add extra functionality to new projects without the need to update to a new client.


There are quite literally thousands of different projects within Folding@home; projects are the different simulation groups that are run to get results for distinct pieces of research. A current list of running projects can be found on the Stanford university Folding@home website.


Work Server
The server that makes work units available to download to the member it has been allocated to by the assignment server.
Work Unit
A distinct component of work that requires calculations to be performed against it by the Core.


A full list of glossary terms can be found on the Stanford University website.