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The v7 Folding@home client has a new API known as the "Client remote interface" which allows third-party applications to extract the following information from the client:


Print application information in PyON format

Folding@home Client

Attribute Description
Website Homepage of the creator of the client
Copyright Copyright notice for the client
Author Name of the author of the client
Args Any command line arguments passed to the client
Config Location of the configuration file


Attribute Description
Version Version number of the client
Date Date of client compilation
Time Time of client compilation
SVN Rev Subversion revision number
Branch Branch from the main subversion trunk
Compiler Compiler used to build the client
Options Any compiler options used to build the client
Platform The platform that the client was built for
Bits CPU architecture (32 or 64 bit)
Mode Release or beta


Attribute Description
OS Operating system the client is currently running on
CPU The CPU description that the client is running on
CPU ID Internal Identifier for the Systems CPU
CPUs The number of CPUs in the current system
Memory The amount of memory installed in the system
Free Memory The amount of free memory available for the client
Threads The type of threading system used
GPUs The number of Graphics Processors installed
GPU 0 The Description of the GPU installed
CUDA Specifies whether nVidia CUDA is supported by the graphics processor
On Battery Boolean flag to specify whether a laptop running the client is currently running on battery
UTC offset The time offset from GMT
PID The process Identifier for the running client
CWD The client working directory location
Win32 Service Boolean flag to specify whether the client is set up as a Windows service


List or set options with their values.

Attribute Description
assignment-servers The URLs of work assignment servers
capture-directory Not known
capture-sockets Not known
checkpoint The time between work checkpoints (times when the current calculations are saved to disk)
child Boolean flag to specify if this client is a child of another process
client-subtype The sub-type of client running
client-type The type of client running
command-address IP address of the API
command-allow IP addresses to allow connection of the API to using a password
command-allow-no-pass IP addresses to allow connection to the API without using a password
command-deny IP addresses to deny connection of the API to using a password
command-deny-no-pass IP addresses to deny connection to the API without using a password
command-port The port number used to communicate with the client API
config-rotate Not known
config-rotate-dir Not known
config-rotate-max Not known
core-dir The directory that the core files are stored
core-key Not known
core-prep Not known
core-priority The cpu “niceness” that the core runs under
core-server Server IP address to download core files
cpu-affinity Boolean flag to specify whether to raise the client process CPU affinity
cpu-species The CPU species basic type defined by Cosm project
cpu-type The CPU basic type defined by Cosm project
cpu-usage The percentage of idle CPU cycles to use
cpus The number of CPU cores available for the client to use
cycle-rate Not known
cycles Not known
daemon Boolean flag to specify whether the client is running as a daemon
data-directory The location of the directory to store work unit data files
debug-sockets Not known
dump-after-deadline Delete data after the work unit expires
eval Not known
exception-locations Not known
exec-directory The working directory of the main client executable
exit-when-done Boolean flag to specify whether the client should quit when all work units have been completed
extra-core-args Extra command line arguments to pass to the core
force-ws Not known
gpu Boolean flag to specify whether to use GPU for calculations
gpu-assignment-servers Work assignment server IP addresses for GPU work units
gpu-device-id Not known
gpu-id The Graphics processor identifier to use for calculations
gpu-index Not known
gpu-vendor-id Not known
log Filename of the log file to use
log-color Boolean flag to specify whether colour is to be used to highlight important information in the log file
log-crlf Boolean flag to use both carriage return and line feed characters in the log file
log-date Boolean flag to specify whether to append the date to every log entry
log-debug Boolean flag to specify whether debugging messages should be output to log files
log-domain Not known
log-domain-levels Not known
log-header Boolean flag to specify whether headers should be appended to log files
log-level Not known
log-no-info-header Not known
log-redirect Not known
log-rotate Boolean flag to specify whether to rotate log files
log-rotate-dir Location of the directory to store log rotate files
log-rotate-max Maximum number of log rotate files to store
log-short-level Not known
log-simple-domains Not known
log-thread-id Not known
log-time Boolean flag to specify whether to append the time to every log entry
log-to-screen Boolean flag to specify whether the client should display log messages on screen
log-truncate Boolean flag to specify whether to log files should be truncated
machine-id The client identifier (needs to be unique to each client if more than one client is run on the machine)
max-delay Not known
max-packet-size Not known
max-queue The maximum number of queue entries to store
max-shutdown-wait The maximum amount of time to wait for child processes to shut down
max-slot-errors Maximum number of slot errors to tolerate before shutting down
Max-unit-errors Maximum number of work unit errors to tolerate before shutting down
max-units Not known
memory Amount of memory available for the client to use
min-delay Not known
next-unit-percentage The next work unit’s percentage before complete
priority Not known
no-assembly Boolean flag to specify whether assembly code should be executed
os-species The internal identifier of the operating system
os-type The type of operating system the client is running on
passkey The current users passkey
password The current users password
pause-on-batery Boolean flag to specify whether to pause the client when a laptop is running on battery
pause-on-start Not known
pid The process identifier
pid-file The file path of the process data files
project-key Not known
proxy The IP address and port number of the proxy server used to connect to the internet
proxy-enable Boolean flag to specify whether the proxy settings are to be used
proxy-pass The password for the proxy server
proxy-user The username for the proxy server
respawn Not known
script Not known
service Boolean flag to specify whether the client is running as a service
service-description The description used to identify the service in the running services OS menu
service-restart Boolean flag to specify whether to restart the service automatically if killed
service-restart-delay Delay before the service restarts
smp Boolean flag to specify whether Symmetric multiprocessing is supported by the CPU
stack-traces Not known
team The team number of the user that set up the client
threads Number of threads to use
user The username of the user that set up the client
verbosity Amount of information log files collect


Get current simulation information.

Attribute Description
user The username of the user that set up the client
team The team number of the user that set up the client
project The project number of the requested simulation
run The run number of the requested simulation
clone The clone number of the requested simulation
gen The generation number of the requested simulation
core_type The identifier of the core used within the simulation
core Description of the core used within the simulation
description The project description of the requested simulation
total_iterations The total number of iterations before the simulation is complete
iterations_done The number of iterations that have been completed for the requested simulation
energy Not known
temperature Not known
start_time The timestamp of when the requested simulation was started
timeout Unix timestamp of when the work unit expires
deadline Unix timestamp of when the work unit results need to be sent to the collection server
run_time Number of seconds that the work unit has been running for
simulation_time The requested simulation’s running time
eta The number of seconds before the work unit is estimated to be completed by
news Not yet used


List or set slot options with their values.

Attribute Description
client-type The type of client that this slot is using
client-subtype The sub-type of client that this slot is using
machine-id The unique identifier of the client in use on this slot
max-packet-size Not known
core-priority The cpu “niceness” that this slot’s core runs under
next-unit-percentage The percentage completed of this slot’s work unit
max-units Not known
checkpoint The time between work checkpoints (times when the current calculations are saved to disk)
pause-on-start Not known
gpu-vendor-id Not known
gpu-device-id Not known


Get slot information in PyON format.

Attribute Description
id The requested slot identifier
status The requested slot’s running status
description The description of the client running in the requested slot


List or set slot options with their values.

Attribute Description
Pause-on-start Not known


Get work unit queue information in PyON format.

Attribute Description
id The requested work unit identifier
state The requested work unit’s running status
project The requested work unit’s project number
run The requested work unit’s run number
clone The requested work unit’s clone number
gen The requested work unit’s generation number
core The requested work unit’s core identifier
unit Not known
percentdone The requested work unit’s percentage complete
totalframes The requested work unit’s total number of iterations
framesdone The requested work unit’s number of iterations completed
assigned The timestamp of when the requested work unit was assigned to the user
timeout The timestamp of when the requested work unit expires
deadline The timestamp of when the requested work unit’s results need to be submitted to the collection server
ws The requested work unit’s assignment server IP
cs The requested work unit’s collection server IP
waitingon Not known
attempts The number of attempts that results have been tried to be uploaded to the collection server
nextattempt Number of seconds before the next time results are attempted to be uploaded to the collection server
slot The slot number running this requested work unit
eta Estimated time of arrival
ppd Number of points per day
tpf Time per frame
basecredit Number of points for completing the work unit
creditestimate Number of points for completing the work unit & bonus for early completion