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As the aim to the project is to eventually help the community with the introduction of this application. I will need to look at how the program will be licensed. This section will look at the different types of software licensing and the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Proprietary Licensing

An example of a proprietary licensing model would be to hold on to the source code of the software but allow the compiled binary file to be freely distributed or distributed for a fee. The advantage to this would be that you have full control of the source code. However, as the community would have no access to the source, all bugs will have to be fixed by the developer.

Open source Licences

Open source licenses allow for the distribution of the source code of the program. There are a few different types of open source licence that could be used for the software and documentation of the project.

  • GPL - The GNU general-purpose licence, there are currently 3 main versions of GPL.
  • Apache - The apache open source license.
  • MIT - The MIT License.
  • Mozilla - The Mozilla Public License.
  • Creative Commons - Creative Commons licenses

Choice of Licence

Once the project has been completed I want to release it to the community so that it can be used and expanded, in other words I would like to release it under an open source license. This project will eventually be released under the GNU General purpose licence as some of the components that the project is based upon are licensed under the same license. Another reason for this is that I want to release the source to the community to work on after submission of the project; therefore I want to release it under a fairly liberal license.