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Problems encountered

A number of problems were encountered during the undertaking of the project. These were but not limited to:

Project Planning

The project did not go exactly to plan due to the new V7 client not being released on time, originally Iteration 2 was going to be Iteration 3 but work for providing a graphical representation of the currently worked on molecule had to be moved forward to the second Iteration.


Procrastination has been a significant problem during the lifetime of the project. To begin with the sheer volume of work seemed very overwhelming. However, as the project progressed and the word count rose, it became easier focus at the job at hand and procrastination became less of an issue.


The organisation of references was problematic at the beginning of the project. This was overcome after a workshop about referencing in the university library organised by my project tutor. This provided the skills needed to effectively sort and organise references using computerised tools.


Due to the fact the content in the project has not been done before; there is a shortage of research in the area of interest. Therefore I had to look at projects in a similar field and research the technologies used out of the context of the project.

Project in Progress Day

Project in progress day was helpful in certain aspects such as being a chance to meet second reader, I believe that the preparation for project in progress day outweighed its benefits, the time required to prepare and take part in it could have been better spent on working towards the project as a whole.