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addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.ClientSubprojectProvider
AIDATA_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Assignment info in queue.dat.
AIDATA_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Assignment info from the start of queue.dat.
AIFLAG_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Assignment info present flag in queue.dat.
AIFLAG_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Assignment info present flag from the start of queue.dat.
AITIME_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Assignment timestamp in queue.dat.
AITIME_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Assignment timestamp from the start of queue.dat.


BENCH_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Benchmark in queue.dat.
BENCH_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Benchmark from the start of queue.dat.
ByteSwapper - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities
Utility class for doing byte swapping (i.e.
ByteSwapper() - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.ByteSwapper


canCloseElement() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileVisualElement
canCloseElement() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileVisualElement
Client - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model
Class to represent data stored about a Folding@home client.
Client(String) - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Client
Constructor for Client.
ClientCustomizerProvider - Class in
ClientCustomizerProvider class.
ClientCustomizerProvider(ClientProject) - Constructor for class
Constructor for ClientCustomizerProvider.
ClientNodeFactory - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.nodes
ClientNodeFactory class.
ClientNodeFactory() - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.nodes.ClientNodeFactory
ClientProject - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project
ClientProject class.
ClientProjectFactory - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project
ClientProjectFactory class.
ClientProjectFactory() - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.ClientProjectFactory
ClientSubProjectNodeFactory - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.nodes
ClientSubProjectNodeFactory class.
ClientSubProjectNodeFactory() - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.nodes.ClientSubProjectNodeFactory
ClientSubprojectProvider - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project
ClientSubprojectProvider class.
ClientSubprojectProvider(Project) - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.ClientSubprojectProvider
Constructor for ClientSubprojectProvider.
CLONE_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnit
Length in bytes of the Clone Number in queue.dat.
CLONE_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnit
Position in bytes of the Clone Number from the start of queue.dat.
CLTYPE_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Client type required in queue.dat.
CLTYPE_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Client type required from the start of queue.dat.
componentActivated() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileVisualElement
componentActivated() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileVisualElement
componentClosed() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileVisualElement
componentClosed() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileVisualElement
componentClosed() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.panels.QueueTopComponent
componentDeactivated() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileVisualElement
componentDeactivated() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileVisualElement
componentHidden() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileVisualElement
componentHidden() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileVisualElement
componentOpened() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileVisualElement
componentOpened() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileVisualElement
componentOpened() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.panels.QueueTopComponent
componentShowing() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileVisualElement
componentShowing() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileVisualElement
ConfigFileDataObject - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config
ConfigFileDataObject class.
ConfigFileDataObject(FileObject, MultiFileLoader) - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileDataObject
Constructor for ConfigFileDataObject.
ConfigFileVisualElement - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config
ConfigFileVisualElement class.
ConfigFileVisualElement(Lookup) - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileVisualElement
Constructor for ConfigFileVisualElement.
Core - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model
Class to represent data stored about a Folding@home core.
Core(int, QueueReader) - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Core
Core constructor.
CORE_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Core_xx number (hex) in queue.dat.
CORE_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Core_xx number (hex) from the start of queue.dat.
CORES_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Number of SMP cores in queue.dat.
CORES_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Number of SMP cores from the start of queue.dat.
CPU_SPEC_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the CPU species in queue.dat.
CPU_SPEC_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of CPU species from the start of queue.dat.
CPU_TYPE_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the CPU type in queue.dat.
CPU_TYPE_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of CPU type from the start of queue.dat.
createCategory(Lookup) - Method in class
createComponent(ProjectCustomizer.Category, Lookup) - Method in class
createEditor(Lookup) - Static method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileDataObject
createEditor(Lookup) - Static method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileDataObject
createGeneral() - Static method in class
createNodes(Project) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.nodes.ClientNodeFactory
createNodes(Project) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.nodes.ClientSubProjectNodeFactory
createNodes(Project) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.nodes.WorkNodeFactory
CSIP_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Collection server IP address in queue.dat.
CSIP_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Collection server IP address from the start of queue.dat.
CURRENT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Length in bytes of the Current index number in queue.dat.
CURRENT_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of the Current index number from the start of queue.dat.
CUSTOMIZER_FOLDER_PATH - Static variable in class
Constant CUSTOMIZER_FOLDER_PATH="Projects/info-mikethomas-fahview/Customi"{trunked}


DRATE_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Length in bytes of the Download rate sliding average in queue.dat.
DRATE_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of the Download rate sliding average from the start of queue.dat.
DSIZ_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the wudata_xx.dat file size in queue.dat.
DSIZ_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of wudata_xx.dat file size from the start of queue.dat.
DSTART_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Download started time in queue.dat.
DSTART_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Download started time from the start of queue.dat.
DUE_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the WU expiration time in queue.dat.
DUE_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of WU expiration time from the start of queue.dat.
DUNITS_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Length in bytes of the Download rate unit weight in queue.dat.
DUNITS_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of the Download rate unit weight from the start of queue.dat.


EXPIRE_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Allowed time to return (seconds) in queue.dat.
EXPIRE_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Allowed time to return (seconds) from the start of queue.dat.


FLOPS_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Flops per CPU (core) in queue.dat.
FLOPS_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Flops per CPU (core) from the start of queue.dat.


GEN_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnit
Length in bytes of the Generation Number in queue.dat.
GEN_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnit
Position in bytes of the Generation Number from the start of queue.dat.
GeneralClientProperties - Class in
GeneralClientProperties class.
GeneralClientProperties() - Constructor for class
getActions() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileVisualElement
getActions() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileVisualElement
getAidata() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Assignment info.
getAidata() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Assignment info.
getAiflag() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Assignment info present flag.
getAiflag() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Assignment info present flag.
getAitime() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Assignment timestamp.
getAitime() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Assignment timestamp.
getArguments() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Client
Getter for the field arguments.
getBench() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Benchmark.
getBench() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Benchmark.
getClone() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnit
Get the value of Clone.
getClone() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnitImpl
Get the value of Clone.
getCltype() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Client type required (usually 0).
getCltype() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Client type required (usually 0).
getCompleted() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnitImpl
Getter for the field completed.
getCore() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Core_xx number (hex).
getCore() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Core_xx number (hex).
getCoreNo() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Core
Getter for the field coreNo.
getCores() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Number of SMP cores.
getCores() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Number of SMP cores.
getCpuSpec() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of CPU species.
getCpuSpec() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of CPU species.
getCpuType() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of CPU type.
getCpuType() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of CPU type.
getCsip() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Collection server IP address.
getCsip() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Collection server IP address.
getCurrent() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Get the value of Current index number.
getCurrent() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueImpl
Get the value of Current index number.
getDate() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.User
Get the value of date
getDrate() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Get the value of Download rate sliding average.
getDrate() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueImpl
Get the value of Download rate sliding average.
getDsiz() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of wudata_xx.dat file size.
getDsiz() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of wudata_xx.dat file size.
getDstart() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Download started time.
getDstart() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Download started time.
getDue() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of WU expiration time.
getDue() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of WU expiration time.
getDunits() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Get the value of Download rate unit weight.
getDunits() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueImpl
Get the value of Download rate unit weight.
getEdition() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Client
Getter for the field edition.
getExecutable() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Client
Getter for the field executable.
getExpire() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Allowed time to return (seconds).
getExpire() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Allowed time to return (seconds).
getFileName() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Core
Getter for the field fileName.
getFlops() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Flops per CPU (core).
getFlops() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Flops per CPU (core).
getGen() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnit
Get the value of Generation.
getGen() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnitImpl
Get the value of Generation.
getGpuMemory() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Available GPU memory.
getGpuMemory() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Available GPU memory.
getIssue() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnit
Get the value of Issued.
getIssue() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnitImpl
Get the value of Issued.
getLaunchDirectory() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Client
Getter for the field launchDirectory.
getLocation() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Client
Getter for the field location.
getLookup() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.ClientProject
getLookup() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileVisualElement
getLookup() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileVisualElement
getLookup() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.WorkProject
getMachineID() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Client
Getter for the field machineID.
getMemory() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Available memory.
getMemory() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Available memory.
getMid() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Machine ID.
getMid() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Machine ID.
getName() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileVisualElement
getName() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileVisualElement
getName() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.User
Get the value of name
getNewcredit() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.User
Get the value of newcredit
getOsSpec() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of OS species.
getOsSpec() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of OS species.
getOsType() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of OS type.
getOsType() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of OS type.
getPasskey() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Passkey.
getPasskey() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Passkey.
getPercentage() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnitImpl
Getter for the field percentage.
getPfract() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Get the value of Performance fraction.
getPfract() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueImpl
Get the value of Performance fraction.
getPlimit() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Packet size limit.
getPlimit() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Packet size limit.
getPort() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Server port number.
getPort() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Server port number.
getProj() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnit
Get the value of the Project Number.
getProj() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnitImpl
Get the value of the Project Number.
getProject() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Core
Getter for the field project.
getProjectDirectory() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.ClientProject
getProjectDirectory() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.WorkProject
getProtein() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnitImpl
Getter for the field protein.
getPunits() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Get the value of Performance fraction unit weight.
getPunits() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueImpl
Get the value of Performance fraction unit weight.
getQueueIndex(int) - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Get the value of queueIndex at specified index.
getQueueIndex(int) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueImpl
Get the value of queueIndex at specified index.
getRun() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnit
Get the value of Run.
getRun() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnitImpl
Get the value of Run.
getSent() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Get the value of Results Sent.
getSent() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueImpl
Get the value of Results Sent.
getStat() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Status.
getStat() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Status.
getSteps() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnitImpl
Getter for the field steps.
getSubprojects() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.ClientSubprojectProvider
getSum() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.User
Get the value of sum
getSvr1() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Server IP address.
getSvr1() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Server IP address.
getSvr2() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Server IP address.
getSvr2() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Server IP address.
getTable() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.panels.QueuePanel
Get this QueuePanel table instance
getTable() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.panels.QueueTopComponent
Get this QueuePanel table instance
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.ProgressCellRenderer
getTag() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Tag of Work Unit.
getTag() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Tag of Work Unit.
getTdata() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Time data.
getTdata() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Time data.
getTeam() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.User
Get the value of team
getTeamn() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Team Number.
getTeamn() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Team Number.
getTeamNo() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Client
Getter for the field teamNo.
getToolbarRepresentation() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileVisualElement
getToolbarRepresentation() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileVisualElement
getType() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Work unit type.
getType() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Work unit type.
getUid() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Stored ID for unit (UserID + MachineID).
getUid() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Stored ID for unit (UserID + MachineID).
getUname() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of User Name.
getUname() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of User Name.
getUndoRedo() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileVisualElement
getUndoRedo() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileVisualElement
getUploads() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Number of upload failures.
getUploads() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Number of upload failures.
getUrate() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Get the value of Upload rate sliding average.
getUrate() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueImpl
Get the value of Upload rate sliding average.
getUrl() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Web address for core download.
getUrl() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Web address for core download.
getUserID() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Client
Getter for the field userID.
getUserName() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Client
Getter for the field userName.
getUstat() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Upload status.
getUstat() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Upload status.
getUunits() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Get the value of Upload rate unit weight.
getUunits() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueImpl
Get the value of Upload rate unit weight.
getVersion() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Client
Getter for the field version.
getVersion() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Get the value of Queue (client) version.
getVersion() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueImpl
Get the value of Queue (client) version.
getVisualRepresentation() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileVisualElement
getVisualRepresentation() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileVisualElement
getWuid() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Get the value of Work unit ID information.
getWuid() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Get the value of Work unit ID information.
GPU_MEMORY_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Available GPU memory in queue.dat.
GPU_MEMORY_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Available GPU memory from the start of queue.dat.


info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project - package info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project
info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config - package info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config
info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue - package info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue
info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model - package info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model
info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.nodes - package info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.nodes
info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.panels - package info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.panels - package
info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities - package info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities
isProject(FileObject) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.ClientProjectFactory
isProject(FileObject) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.WorkProjectFactory
isProject2(FileObject) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.ClientProjectFactory
isProject2(FileObject) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.WorkProjectFactory
ISSUE_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnit
Length in bytes of the Issued date in queue.dat.
ISSUE_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnit
Position in bytes of the Issued date from the start of queue.dat.


loadProject(FileObject, ProjectState) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.ClientProjectFactory
loadProject(FileObject, ProjectState) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.WorkProjectFactory
LogReader - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities
Class to extract data from Folding@home client log files.
LogReader(String) - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.LogReader
Constructor for LogReader.


M176_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Misc1a in queue.dat.
M176_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Misc1a from the start of queue.dat.
M184_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Misc1b in queue.dat.
M184_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Misc1b from the start of queue.dat.
M476_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
M476_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
M532_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Misc4a in queue.dat.
M532_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Misc4a from the start of queue.dat.
MEMORY_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Available memory in queue.dat.
MEMORY_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Available memory from the start of queue.dat.
MID_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Machine ID in queue.dat.
MID_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Machine ID from the start of queue.dat.


OS_SPEC_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the OS species in queue.dat.
OS_SPEC_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of OS species from the start of queue.dat.
OS_TYPE_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the OS type in queue.dat.
OS_TYPE_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of OS type from the start of queue.dat.


PASSKEY_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Passkey in queue.dat.
PASSKEY_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Passkey from the start of queue.dat.
PFRACT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Length in bytes of the Performance fraction in queue.dat.
PFRACT_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of the Performance Fraction from the start of queue.dat.
PLIMIT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Packet size limit in queue.dat.
PLIMIT_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Packet size limit from the start of queue.dat.
PORT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Server port number in queue.dat.
PORT_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Server port number from the start of queue.dat.
ProgressCellRenderer - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities
Class to Add JProgressBar into a JTable Cell.
ProgressCellRenderer() - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.ProgressCellRenderer
Creates a JProgressBar with the range 0,100.
PROJ_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnit
Length in bytes of the Project Number in queue.dat.
PROJ_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnit
Position in bytes of the Project Number from the start of queue.dat.
PROJECT_FILE - Static variable in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.ClientProject
PROJECT_FILE - Static variable in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.WorkProject
PROJECT_ICON - Static variable in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.ClientProject
PROJECT_ICON - Static variable in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.WorkProject
PUNITS_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Length in bytes of the Performance fraction unit weight in queue.dat.
PUNITS_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of the Performance fraction unit weight from the start of queue.dat.


Queue - Interface in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model
Interface to represent data stored about a Folding@home queue.
QUEUE_INDEX_0_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of Queue Index 0 from the start of queue.dat.
QUEUE_INDEX_1_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of Queue Index 1 from the start of queue.dat.
QUEUE_INDEX_2_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of Queue Index 2 from the start of queue.dat.
QUEUE_INDEX_3_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of Queue Index 3 from the start of queue.dat.
QUEUE_INDEX_4_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of Queue Index 4 from the start of queue.dat.
QUEUE_INDEX_5_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of Queue Index 5 from the start of queue.dat.
QUEUE_INDEX_6_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of Queue Index 6 from the start of queue.dat.
QUEUE_INDEX_7_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of Queue Index 7 from the start of queue.dat.
QUEUE_INDEX_8_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of Queue Index 8 from the start of queue.dat.
QUEUE_INDEX_9_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of Queue Index 9 from the start of queue.dat.
QUEUE_INDEX_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Length in bytes of a Queue Index in queue.dat.
QueueFileDataObject - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue
QueueFileDataObject class.
QueueFileDataObject(FileObject, MultiFileLoader) - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileDataObject
Constructor for QueueFileDataObject.
QueueFileVisualElement - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue
QueueFileVisualElement class.
QueueFileVisualElement(Lookup) - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileVisualElement
Constructor for QueueFileVisualElement.
QueueImpl - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model
Class to represent data stored about a Folding@home queue.
QueueImpl(QueueReader) - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueImpl
Constructor to initialize variables
QueueIndex - Interface in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model
Interface to represent data stored about a Folding@home queue index.
QueueIndexImpl - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model
Class to represent data stored about a Folding@home queue index.
QueueIndexImpl(int, QueueReader) - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Constructor for QueueIndexImpl.
QueuePanel - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.panels
The main User Interface of the FAHView program.
QueuePanel() - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.panels.QueuePanel
Creates new form QueuePanel
QueueReader - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities
Class to extract data from Folding@home client queue files.
QueueReader(String) - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.QueueReader
Constructor for QueueReader.
QueueTopComponent - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.panels
Top component which displays something.
QueueTopComponent() - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.panels.QueueTopComponent
Constructor for QueueTopComponent.


read(int, int) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.QueueReader
get bytes from the queue file at the specified position
readBEUInt(int, int) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.QueueReader
Read a Big Endian Unsigned Integer from the queue file
readBEUShort(int, int) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.QueueReader
Read a Big Endian Unsigned Short from the queue file
readIP(int) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.QueueReader
Read an IP Address from the queue file
readLEUInt(int, int) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.QueueReader
Read a Little Endian Unsigned Integer from the queue file
readLEUShort(int, int) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.QueueReader
Read a Little Endian Unsigned Short from the queue file
readString(int, int) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.QueueReader
Read a String from the queue file
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.ClientSubprojectProvider
RUN_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnit
Length in bytes of the Run Number in queue.dat.
RUN_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnit
Position in bytes of the Run Number from the start of queue.dat.


saveProject(Project) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.ClientProjectFactory
saveProject(Project) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.WorkProjectFactory
SENT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Length in bytes of the Results successfully sent after upload failures in queue.dat.
SENT_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of the Results successfully sent after upload failures from the start of queue.dat.
setDate(Date) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.User
Set the value of date
setMultiViewCallback(MultiViewElementCallback) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.config.ConfigFileVisualElement
setMultiViewCallback(MultiViewElementCallback) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.files.queue.QueueFileVisualElement
setName(String) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.User
Set the value of name
setNewcredit(int) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.User
Set the value of newcredit
setSum(int) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.User
Set the value of sum
setTeam(int) - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.User
Set the value of team
showCustomizer() - Method in class
STAT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Status in queue.dat.
STAT_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Status from the start of queue.dat.
SVR1_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
As of 3.00 replaced by QueueIndex.SVR2_POS
SVR1_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
As of 3.00 replaced by QueueIndex.SVR2_POS
SVR2_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Server IP address in queue.dat.
SVR2_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Server IP address from the start of queue.dat.
swap(short) - Static method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.ByteSwapper
Byte swap a single short value.
swap(int) - Static method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.ByteSwapper
Byte swap a single int value.
swap(long) - Static method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.ByteSwapper
Byte swap a single long value.
swap(float) - Static method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.ByteSwapper
Byte swap a single float value.
swap(double) - Static method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.ByteSwapper
Byte swap a single double value.
swap(short[]) - Static method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.ByteSwapper
Byte swap an array of shorts.
swap(int[]) - Static method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.ByteSwapper
Byte swap an array of ints.
swap(long[]) - Static method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.ByteSwapper
Byte swap an array of longs.
swap(float[]) - Static method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.ByteSwapper
Byte swap an array of floats.
swap(double[]) - Static method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.ByteSwapper
Byte swap an array of doubles.


TAG_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Tag of Work Unit in queue.dat.
TAG_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Tag of Work Unit from the start of queue.dat.
TDATA_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Time data in queue.dat.
TDATA_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Time data from the start of queue.dat.
TEAMN_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Team Number in queue.dat.
TEAMN_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Team Number from the start of queue.dat.
toString() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Core
toString() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueImpl
Generate a String representation of the QueueImpl
toString() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Generate a String representation of the QueueImpl
toString() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.User
toString() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnitImpl
Generate a String representation of the WorkUnitImpl
toString() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.utilities.LogReader
TYPE_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Work unit type in queue.dat.
TYPE_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Work unit type from the start of queue.dat.


UID_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Stored ID for unit (UserID + MachineID) in queue.dat.
UID_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Stored ID for unit (UserID + MachineID) from the start of queue.dat.
UNAME_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the User Name in queue.dat.
UNAME_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of User Name from the start of queue.dat.
update() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Core
update() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Update all values.
update() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueImpl
Update all values.
update() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Update all values.
update() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndexImpl
Update all values.
update() - Method in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnit
Update all values.
update() - Method in class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnitImpl
Update all values.
UPLOADS_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Number of upload failures in queue.dat.
UPLOADS_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Number of upload failures from the start of queue.dat.
URATE_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Length in bytes of the Upload rate sliding average in queue.dat.
URATE_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of the Upload rate sliding average from the start of queue.dat.
URL_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Web address for core downloads in queue.dat.
URL_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Web address for core downloads from the start of queue.dat.
User - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model
User class.
User() - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.User
No-arg constructor (takes no arguments).
USTAT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Upload Status in queue.dat.
USTAT_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Upload status from the start of queue.dat.
UUNITS_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Length in bytes of the Upload rate unit weight in queue.dat.
UUNITS_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of the Upload rate unit weight from the start of queue.dat.


VERSION_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Length in bytes of the Queue (client) version in queue.dat.
VERSION_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of the Queue (client) version from the start of queue.dat.


WorkNodeFactory - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.nodes
WorkNodeFactory class.
WorkNodeFactory() - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.nodes.WorkNodeFactory
WorkProject - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project
WorkProject class.
WorkProjectFactory - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project
WorkProjectFactory class.
WorkProjectFactory() - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.WorkProjectFactory
WorkUnit - Interface in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model
Interface to represent data stored about a Folding@home work unit.
WorkUnitImpl - Class in info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model
Class to represent data stored about a Folding@home work unit.
WorkUnitImpl(int, QueueReader) - Constructor for class info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.WorkUnitImpl
Work Unit constructor.
WUID_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the Work unit ID information in queue.dat.
WUID_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of Work unit ID information from the start of queue.dat.


Z004_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Z004_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Z192_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the z192 in queue.dat.
Z192_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of padding from the start of queue.dat (All Zeros).
Z224_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the z224 in queue.dat.
Z224_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of padding from the start of queue.dat (All Zeros).
Z500_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the z500 in queue.dat.
Z500_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of padding from the start of queue.dat (All Zeros).
Z528_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the z528 in queue.dat.
Z528_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of padding from the start of queue.dat (All Zeros).
Z536_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the z536 in queue.dat.
Z536_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of padding from the start of queue.dat (All Zeros).
Z564_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the z564 in queue.dat.
Z564_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of padding from the start of queue.dat (All Zeros).
Z624_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Length in bytes of the z624 in queue.dat.
Z624_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.QueueIndex
Position in bytes of padding from the start of queue.dat (All Zeros).
Z7156_LENGTH - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Length in bytes of padding in queue.dat (All Zeros).
Z7156_POS - Static variable in interface info.mikethomas.fahview.v6project.model.Queue
Position in bytes of padding from the start of queue.dat (All Zeros).
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